Area of activity
Reduction of agricultural pressure in the Pilica catchment area
Reduction of agricultural pressure in the Pilica catchment area
People responsible for the area
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient that supports the growth of plants and crops. Unfortunately, its high concentration is harmful to people and nature. 50-60% of the total amount of nitrogen and 30-40% of the total amount of phosphorus discharged from Poland to the Baltic Sea come from agricultural point and area pollution. Nitrogen in the form of ammonium and nitrate compounds is introduced or gets into the soil with fertilizers, precipitation and as a result of soil erosion. Reducing the negative impact of agriculture on water quality is to be served by the so-called The nitrate program, i.e. "Action program aimed at reducing water pollution with nitrates from agricultural sources and preventing further pollution".
The aim of the LIFE Pilica integrated project is supporting farmers in the effective implementation of activities in the field of the nitrate program and raising their awareness of the benefits of reducing agricultural pressure for agriculture itself, the environment and human health. This is consistent with the Water Management Plan for the Vistula River Basin, which in the category of educational and information activities provides for Educational and advisory activities for farmers in the field of Reducing water pollution with biogenic compounds from agriculture and reducing pollution with pesticides.
Activities within the theme
Demonstrative implementation of tools to reduce agricultural pressure in the Pilica catchment
As part of the LIFE Pilica project, LIFE Pilica Demonstration Farms will be created in the field of effective management of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). Demonstration farms will be created both in individual farms with a multi-directional production profile or specialized farms; as well as school or institutional farms. We propose a comprehensive approach to reducing agricultural water pollution with nitrogen and phosphorus: The farm will be covered by consulting as well as a concept, project documentation (if required) will be prepared for each individual farm, and demonstration activities will be implemented in the field of effective management of nutrients to protect water resources. In addition to activities in the field of agricultural practices, we will promote activities in the field of nature-based solutions (so-called NBS) as tools for purifying surface waters and shallow groundwater, increasing water retention and increasing biodiversity, e.g. highly effective buffer zones at the junction of land and watercourses; restoration of mid-field ponds, mid-field woodlots and bushes, mid-field margins, honey belts.
LIFE Pilica Demonstration Farms for effective management of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus).
Improving the qualifications of agricultural advisers, farmers and students of agricultural schools in the field of rational fertilizer management in the context of water protection
The Foundation is responsible in the project for the implementation of educational activities aimed at:
increasing the competence of agricultural advisors to effectively disseminate knowledge among farmers on good practices in the field of effective fertilizer management and innovative methods contributing to the reduction of diffuse pollution by organizing 22 training courses for advisors in 11 voivodships in the Vistula basin
presenting innovative practices contributing to the reduction of agricultural pressure on the environment in the field of plant and animal production during workshops for farmers, e.g. on demonstration farms
raising farmers awareness of rational fertilizer management in the context of water protection by organizing information and educational campaigns in the form of information points during family festivals on the occasion of commune festivals, harvest festivals, and agricultural fairs
raising awareness and shaping appropriate attitudes of agricultural school students in the field of biodiversity protection and water protection in the agricultural landscape, by promoting the principles of sustainable agriculture
supporting the process of educating young farmers by creating attractive multimedia educational materials
raising the knowledge of teachers and students of agricultural schools by engaging them in educational activities in the form of training, conferences, workshops and competitions.
1) 22 training sessions were conducted for agricultural advisors in the field of rational fertilizer management in the context of water protection. A total of 676 agricultural advisors from the areas of 11 voivodships were trained - actions completed.
2) 22 workshops for farmers on fertilizer management in the context of the provisions of the Nitrate Program were conducted in 11 voivodeships of the Vistula catchment area. In total, 676 farmers were trained - actions completed.
3) Organization of information and education campaigns on rational fertilizer management in the context of water protection addressed to farmers. Activities are carried out in the form of information points during family festivities on the occasion of commune festivals, harvest festivals, and agricultural fairs. The action was foreseen throughout the project.
4) Development of multimedia educational materials dedicated to students of agricultural schools in five thematic areas:
• The importance of dispersing nitrogen and phosphorus compounds of agricultural origin for the natural environment and human health:
• Nature-based solutions as tools to reduce agricultural pollution to surface and groundwater
• Nature-based solutions as tools to reduce agricultural pollution to surface and groundwater
• The role of agricultural technology in improving water management in plant production
• Biodiversity in the agricultural landscape
For each of the above issues, a course was developed containing texts discussing the topic, an educational film, 2 animations, educational games, exercises and homework, a dictionary, a test:
5) Conducting a knowledge competition for students of agricultural schools entitled "Preservation of biodiversity and water protection in agricultural landscape" - March - April 2023.
6) Organization of training for 50 teachers entitled "Preservation of biodiversity and water protection in agricultural landscape", during which we will present multimedia educational materials developed as part of the project.
7) Organizing a two-day workshop for 110 students entitled "Preservation of biodiversity and water protection in agricultural landscape" - September 2023.
8) One-day workshops for students of agricultural schools repeated cyclically and independently by schools participating in the project:
• Local Water Monitoring Systems
• Workshops on creating fertilization plans
9) Trips of 275 farmers to demonstration farms.
5) Conducting a knowledge competition for students of agricultural schools entitled "Preservation of biodiversity and water protection in agricultural landscape" - March - April 2023.
6) Organization of training for 50 teachers entitled "Preservation of biodiversity and water protection in agricultural landscape", during which we will present multimedia educational materials developed as part of the project.
7) Organizing a two-day workshop for 110 students entitled "Preservation of biodiversity and water protection in agricultural landscape" - September 2023.
8) One-day workshops for students of agricultural schools repeated cyclically and independently by schools participating in the project:
• Local Water Monitoring Systems
• Workshops on creating fertilization plans
9) Trips of 275 farmers to demonstration farms.
People responsible for the area
Monika Szymańska
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I am responsible for planning, substantive scope and supervision over the implementation of educational activities for agricultural advisors and agricultural schools. I coordinate the work of the team and cooperation with project partners.
Karolina Witeska-Chmielewska
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I am responsible for the implementation of activities addressed to agricultural advisers, farmers and villagers. I organize training, seminars and workshops for agricultural advisers and farmers. I supervise the preparation and dissemination of information materials among the villagers.
Jakub Zieliński
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I am responsible for promotional activities in the project aimed at farmers and agricultural advisors. I participate in the organization of training, seminars and workshops for farmers and agricultural advisors.
Ewa Stygienko
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I am responsible for educational activities in the LIFE Pilica project addressed to students of agricultural schools. I organize educational events in the form of training, workshops, conferences and competitions. I supervise the work on the emerging educational materials for students of agricultural schools.
Katarzyna Izydorczyk
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My role is to establish cooperation with farmers and advisory and scientific institutions in the field of creating and substantive support for LIFE Pilica Demonstration Farms, as well as participation in the development of concepts for farms in the use of nature-based solutions for water protection.